So only 3 days left of Half Term and I can't decide whether or not I'm excited about or dreading going back. But I start film photography on Tuesday afernoon so I'm looking quite forward to that. Although the darkroom's gonna be fun, with a bunch of teenagers who all asked on the first day why a darkroom 'has to be dark'.

Went to the circus on Wednesday afternoon and I can safely say that I wanted to lob the camera across the room as absolutely everything came out blurry. Even though I swapped settings and changed ISO and shutter speed multiple times to fit in with the lighting and speed of the subjects but no; apparently that wasn't good enough for the camera to cooperate. Managed to save a few images but out of 320, I only managed to save about 4 of them, so.


Friday 2 November 2012 @ 04:01 / 0 daisies

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