Taken October 1st, 10:30am
I decided that the first photo I would post up would be a photo of quite honestly my favourite place in the world.
This is my local Park, a pathway leading up to Aubrey Pond, and it's one of the most beautiful places, ever. I first came here, April 22nd, and I've been going down there regulary since then, and I've managed to fix it into my college walk as well, making sure I come here on a daily basis.
The simple reason as to why this is my favourite place, is purely because of the memories associated with it. I've lived in this town for 6 years now, and I'd never ventured down to this part of the park and I didn't know it even existed. The Park is huge, (or so I thought before somehow getting lost up there and realising that it's actually quite tiny) and the furthest I had been in there was down to the main park and to the field where the annual fireworks are held. But April 22nd, I came down here for the first time, accompanied by my, then boyfriend. It was raining, and it was freezing and I really didn't want to be there and I was bricking it because it was the first time I'd actually seen this guy outside of school, and I was worried about catching a cold because of the weather. April was a miserable month, with rain every day and mist every morning and it was generally just horrible. I don't think there was a morning in April where I didn't wake up and groan because I would have to take a coat to school.
So anyway; why is this my favourite place?
Because I spent the first 3 hours sat here, listening to Elvis on repeat and talking about why chicken & mushroom pies are better than vegetable pies. I've spent hours at this place, and my bestfriend and I go here all the time together, and we sit on the bench by the pond and we talk about everything and anything. It's where I had my first kiss, back in April, and it's the place I think of when I'm unhappy or anxious or sad. I've had so many conversations here, and I've walked through so many times, and it's the happiest place on earth for me. I enjoy going up there on my own and I make a point of going there on my way to college in a morning and often on my way back, if no ones occupying the bench there already. The friend who showed me this place and who I come here with won't be here much longer, and I plan on continuing my daily trip here. It's honestly my favourite place, in possibly the whole entire world.