So only 3 days left of Half Term and I can't decide whether or not I'm excited about or dreading going back. But I start film photography on Tuesday afernoon so I'm looking quite forward to that. Although the darkroom's gonna be fun, with a bunch of teenagers who all asked on the first day why a darkroom 'has to be dark'.

Went to the circus on Wednesday afternoon and I can safely say that I wanted to lob the camera across the room as absolutely everything came out blurry. Even though I swapped settings and changed ISO and shutter speed multiple times to fit in with the lighting and speed of the subjects but no; apparently that wasn't good enough for the camera to cooperate. Managed to save a few images but out of 320, I only managed to save about 4 of them, so.

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Friday, 2 November 2012 @ 04:01 / 0 daisies

So today is officially the start of many things.

It's the start of Half Term, after 6 ridiculously long weeks, the start of a week with my amazing family and officially the start of my new job.

The first phase of my first photography project is finally over, and I'm moving from digital photography into film hopefully within the next few weeks, so I can complete the whole project by the end of November. I've been pretty psyched about photography over the past 2 weeks because I've buckled down and gotten a lot of work done.

Took some photos on Thursday evening and I'm quite happy with how they turned out.

Saturday, 27 October 2012 @ 02:56 / 0 daisies


Was talking to my photography tutor yesterday, and he suggested experimenting with using different sources of light to create interesting portraiture effects. He suggested using a desk lamp, with a reflector - or something similar - to create softer shadows and manipulate light with. So, I blackened out my room last night and got my desk lamp and a sheet of A4 white card and I think it turned out kinda how I expected it to. I'm hoping to get my brother to sit still long enough for me to try this out with him later, as well; editing didn't cope too well and had to close Photoshop cos of lagging, so it's not as sharp as I probably wanted/hoped it to be.

Wednesday, 24 October 2012 @ 08:41 / 0 daisies


Well this week's been fairly boring. Celebrated a birthday on Saturday, and then went out on the Sunday, both with the bestfriend in the morning and then with the family to Bourne Woods in the afternoon. Going here really helped with my photography project, which happens to be identity cos it meant I could get some portraits done of my family without having to pin him in one place. I managed to get a few shots of him but the majority came out blurry, considering how much that boy moves.

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Friday, 19 October 2012 @ 11:37 / 0 daisies

Day 4.

Mmm, Starbucks.
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Thursday, 11 October 2012 @ 09:59 / 0 daisies

Day 3.

So today's been rather eventful, to say the least.

Finally managed to get my maths sorted out and it's a relief that I only have to endure 2 months of re-learning everything, but if it means I can finally get a C grade then I'm a-ok with that!

Only had 2 lessons today and left somewhat early, but oh my goodness I can't cope with how tired I get during the day. Having 2 and a half hour lessons is really difficult, especially when they're as boring as Law.

Still managed to get 70 photos, but only about 40 of them turned out okay.

Love this because it just sums up our relationship. Cackling because of Charlotte's reluctance to be in any of the photos.

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Tuesday, 9 October 2012 @ 12:30 / 0 daisies

Day 2.

After 4 and a half hours of frees, everyone wanted to cry
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Monday, 8 October 2012 @ 11:02 / 0 daisies

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